Our long over due Nursery Reveal. This nursery has really been a passion project for me, I absolutely love creating beautiful spaces and when we found out we were pregnant my mind (and my Pinterest) went crazy.
I knew from day one that I wanted a neutral, soft, happy space. Nothing on Pinterest really shouted at me saying this is it, I liked a cot here and some wall art there but no specific room. I don’t know where it came from but an image of my perfect room was in my head and my heart was stuck on bringing that image to life!
So here is where I started. The walls, like the rest of the house had to be crisp white and the furniture natural wood. The first item I knew I wanted was the moses changing station, I absolutely loved the earthy/boho feel it created compared to just a normal mattress changing station. It was a unique item that I knew would add to the feel that I was trying to reach, it didn’t take me very long to find the lovely brand Ko_Coon who supplied them.
Next up was the cot, I searched high and low for a raw wooden cot, I found a few cots that I absolutely loved but unfortunately was not in my price range. One day I found out that Ikea have these natural wooden cots for such a good price, I googled flatpack and many other sites trying to find out who sells IKEA in South Africa until I found the cot on Kids Livings website. Me being me, I decided to drive to the store and first look at the quality. Kids Living had two natural cots, IKEA one for R1599 and a Kids River for R1899. After comparing the two we decided to go for the Kids River one, it was just a better quality.
Item number three was the chair, again, I was on a budget and although I found the most stunning chairs online I was not willing to pay R4000/R5000 for a nursing chair. I also wanted something practical that we can end up adding to our lounge, a rocking chair would have been used in babies room for max a year and then we would have to get rid of it. I have loved the Malawian chairs even since they first came out and knew it would look stunning in babies room and even in our lounge later on. I tested it out and although your not going to take afternoon naps in one, it was definitely comfortable enough for feeding sessions. I found the chair at a few shops, ranging between R1500 and R2000 and then by luck we found a man who makes them next to the road on our way to holiday and bought our chair for R650... I seriously felt like I was winning!
The last big piece of furniture that was left was the drawers, I really wanted something small and not too bulky and fell inlove with this one from @HomeLivingSpaces. I shopped around a bit to see if we can’t find a better priced one but this ended up being one of the more cheaper options at R6000 and it was the one my heart was set on.
Now that we had most of the pieces to the puzzle, we moved them all around about 10 times trying to find the best, most practical layout for the room. Once I decided what’s standing where it was time to move on to the wall art.
Not wanting to spend any more unnecessary money, we took Luna’s old floating desk to builders and had them cut it into two pieces, we then just bought 4 L-shaped wall hooks and connected it to the wooden planks, creating two beautiful wooden floating shelves for only R50. Next I started looking for wall hooks or a hanging rack, also thinking up ways to create something ourselves that will save some money. We had a little bit of wood left that we went to cut into the appropriate size, we drilled little wholes half way through the wood and then glued small wooden dowels into the wholes, creating the perfect hanging rack out of items we already had at home and spending ZERO money.
All that was left was decorating. I started decorating with some baby items we had, baby shoes on the shelve, a baby grow on the wall hook and a swaddle blanket here and there. We also got gifted some beautiful baby toys like the building blocks from GrowBaby, a knitted teddy from AfriGurumi, teether from Maddon&Cole and the adorable clouds and moon Garland from LaatLam_Gifts. From Luna’s old room I also had the beautiful Zebra from Kikki&Franki that I added and then the art work I designed and printed out myself and just bought frames from Mr.Price Home. The little bonsai tree I got from Woolworths SA and the rest of the greens from a local garden shop.
For babies bed I wanted something very plain and minimalistic, Luna had a duvet set and we never ever used it so this time I just wanted a gorgeous fitted sheet with a beautiful muslin to wrap baby in. Finding Whimsy offered to do a stunning white with small black crosses fitted sheet for us that matched our style perfectly, I also bought a Miilk muslin from them to just add that extra touch. I then found a sage green scatter pillow at H&M home that would add that small touch of colour to his cot and finished it off with a classic white La Fede teddy.
Above his cot we left the wall empty and just added three signatures items, a white canopy tent from Moocachoo, the stunning 1 meter natural wooden name from Kikki&Franki and the gorgeous natural wood and white rainbow mobile from Tiger Lilly. On the one side of his cot we filled the empty space with a delicious monster to add some natural greenery and on the other side we hanged a baby swing from Tiger Lilly.
The nursery came together so beautifully and has been everything I dreamed about. I hope you love what we created as much as we do and that it helps any mommies that’s stuck with decor inspo or even budget. Our Nursery added up to R15000 for everything, from furniture, to cot mattress, to decor. I had a budget of R8000 originally and at the end we spended just over R10000 excluding collaborations. We are extremely lucky to have some amazing brands who collaborated with us and wanted to be part of our dream nursery, I would not have been able to create this dream space without you, so a massive THANK YOU to every brand that’s part of this dream space.