Demi Lucas Blog

A millennial mom married to her best friend, I found my calling a week before my 23rd birthday, the day I gave birth to Luna. After Luna we tried to grow our family but struggled with infertility, three and half years later I was blessed with the missing piece, my sweet little boy. I absolutely love being a young mom, I have a lot of things I feel passionate about but me in one word is MOTHER, its everything I ever wanted to be and more, its my core, my fuel, its what I was always suppose to be.
After motherhood may love spreads to all things beautiful but mostly fashion. I love finding beautiful pieces and combining them together to create the perfect outfit for me or my littles.

My little khaleesi, Feisty & Fierce! Our Luna moon is a 3 1/2 year old who is too cute for her own good. She mommies best friend and daddies little cookie. She loves playing dress up, dancing, making up words to songs on the radio, taking photos, all things pink, snuggling and pretending to be a mom to her baby brothers. She is the queen of the castle and definitely controls the family.

Our missing puzzle piece that we waited oh so long for. He's a little charmer thats in love with his mama, ok, ok, probably more in love with the boob, but mommy loves all the deep stares and warm snuggles he's giving. Life right now is all about boob, poop and snooze. He loves staring at mommy, giggling at his sister, holding hands (well a finger) and making really load farts.

Not featured a lot on our blog but he is the main man in our life. He walked into my life at age 17 and just never let go, the most motivated/I know what I want 18 year old I've ever met. He is mommies best friend and Lunas superhero. The guy that carries us all, our biggest supporter, our rock, the love of all of our life's. He makes the blogging a reality by working hard and allowing me to stay home and spend my days with my favourites. He is a gym junkie and a watch fanatic and has mastered the skill of taking the perfect photos for wifey. All and all he's pretty dam amazing and we love him like crazy.