As many of you know us by now, we love our neutral colours and this mama is a sucker for all shades of white & grey, but as summer creeps in, I always start to crave that pop of colour and positivity in Luna’s wardrobe.
After a few days of browsing the latest trends and finding a lot of super colourful and in your face pieces, my heart just melted when I saw the Annapatat Kids range. They have the most beautiful materials and soft colours that every little girl needs for this summer. I just simply fell in love with everything about the brand and its owner, who is just as beautiful and sweet as all her clothing.
The most captivating part about this brand for me, is the fact that they stand out between all the rest. The designs are unique and unlike anything you've seen before, they have really gone outside the box and made clothing to let your little one stand out. By shopping Annapatat you know your little girl will be dressed in the best and standing out between all the kids. After all, our littles are one of a kind, so why shouldn't their outfits be too.

A little bit about the company:
Annapatat Kids was created by the lovely Anneke 5 years ago when she had to move to Johannesburg. She was always intrigued by the amounts of fun you could have with kids clothing and loved the idea of creating special items that would be part of the most special moments and memories we as mommies share with our littles.
What started as a hobby for Anneke quickly transformed into a business while she juggled two other jobs. After a couple of years and a move back to Cape Town, she started to focus on growing the brand full-time and haven’t looked back since. The company is now based in Durbanville, Cape Town and all their products are hand made by Anneke and a team of local woman she works with.
“Its a Beautiful (but hard) thing being a entrepreneur in South Africa and collaborating with so many powerhouse woman and building relationships with stunning mamas are what I treasure the most.”- Anneke
You can shop the entire collection at their online store and also find some of the items at local stores such as Oh my Baby in pretoria, Full of Beans Boutique in Johannesburg and Lia and Reese in Cape Town.
Keep an eye out for them at local markets such as Kamers, Anneke loves to meet her beautiful clients and put a face to their names. You can also go follow them on Instagram @annapatat_kids to stay up to date with her newest products.